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“Dear Alliance Polymers,

Thank you so very much for the EXCELLENT service you have given us. Our CEO is also very pleased. I can’t begin to tell you how grateful I am that I found you and you are a part of my team. I assure you, we have tons of business coming your way. You have earned a long-term parntership with our organization.

Again, thank you my friend.”

Kirt Jensen

“Thank you very much for quick service. I was surprised the elastollan showed up so soon. Your company apparently prides itself on service. That’s why you make it part of your name.

Once again thanks.”
Don LaSee
All Metal Stamping

To borrow a word or phrase from an advertisement by a leading shoe insole manufacturer, more and more lucky horses worldwide can expect to be “gellin” thanks to a small, but innovative Ft. Lauderdale, FL firm.

Former horse trainer and entrepreneur John Filipelli came to the realization early in his career that horses run better without shoes.  But allowing them to be ridden, much less race, without shoes, wasn’t the solution, either from a practical, much less a humane perspective.  Hooves are comprised of hair and need to be protected.  For that reason,  man has been shoeing horses for centuries with metal shoes.

No other material has been found to be better.  Until now, that is.

Many years ago, Filipelli was challenged to cure a horse that would go off stride.  He had to do this within 30 days or forfeit his fees.  No matter what he tried, nothing worked.  But as soon as he removed the metal shoes, the horse quickly went back on stride.

Thus began Filipelli’s quest for a solution and an alternative to the old fashioned metal horseshoe.  The result is that today, Filipelli is the Founder and President of Nanoflex, Inc., a firm that has horse owners and stables from around the globe clamoring for his solution with the “gellin” horseshoe.  His firm has patented and now produces and sells one-size-fits all horseshoes made from a special polyurethane polymer sold by Alliance Polymers & Services (APS), North America’s largest distributor and technical resource of BASF’s Elastollan® brand of thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPUs) used by Nanoflex.

“My first attempt,” recalls Filipelli, “was to develop a polymer boot, not a horseshoe.  Polymers at that time deemed possibly suitable for a horseshoe didn’t fit the bill in terms of processability, flexibility, durability and the basic ability to be affixed to a hoof, and stay on.  The boot didn’t work and it was fortuitous,” he continues, “that I hooked up with Roger Huarng, a former BASF technical materials expert and now a Principal with APS.” He is quick to add that concessions and help by Huarng have added to Nanoflex’s success.

Together, the two agreed on a proprietary grade of polyurethane that had all the attributes required for the application – consistency and uniform density across the shoe, toughness, durability, a certain level of flexibility or cushioning, and at a cost comparable to a metal horseshoe.  The equestrian products produced by Nanoflex are made entirely of polyurethane based on nanotechnology.

Added benefits, the two found after the ideal formulation was obtained, a mold built and a custom injection molder was found, included:

1)     The new Nanoflex shoes can be applied in either traditional way – with nails,    or with Equalox or Vettec, popular adhesives used for securing horseshoes.

2)     The horseshoes stay on longer than traditional metal shoes.  The durability of

        the polyurethane is comparable to aluminum horseshoes.

3)     One size, when trimmed, fits any horse.

4)     Pricing is comparable to metal shoes.

5)     The polymer shoes are reversible which can give even longer life.

Filipelli chuckles when he lists this additional possible benefit – polyurethane horseshoes can be injection molded in any custom color desired.

Centuries of using metal horseshoes have made customers slightly hesitant to give the Nanoflex breakthrough a try, but Filipelli and his associates see the tide turning.

“Through marketing efforts and putting our resources into R & D and production,” says Filipelli, “we’re getting serious inquiries from around the globe – much generated by word of mouth.  Individuals, as well as firms in Europe and Australia have been eager to try out the Nanoflex products, and report great results back to us.  Our approach has been, if anyone promises to shoe a horse with our products, we’ll send them a free pair.  This has worked remarkably well.”

At the present time, Filipelli is building his network of distributors, dealers and retailers around the world.

In steps to both verify product claims and alleviate industry skepticism, the company conducts ongoing research to verify that polymer horseshoes are viable alternatives. Among the results are lameness prevention, increased circulation, improved traction, increased comfort, improved gait and faster running speeds.